The Private School Leader Podcast

The Private School Leader Podcast

Hosted by: Mark Minkus

The Private School Leader Podcast exists to help you go from SURVIVING to THRIVING as you lead your school. Do you ever feel lonely and isolated in your role as a private school leader? Do you wish that you could get...

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Episode 90: The 7 Keys To Becoming A Better Public Speaker

“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in...
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Episode 89: 6 Ways That AI Can Help You Do Your Job

Understandably, a lot of people are wary of artificial intelligence. That is probably because we don’t understand it, we worry about it replacing human workers, wrestle with the ethical concerns, are concerned about...
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Episode 88: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Laws 15-21)

The best selling leadership book in the world is The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. Over the last three episodes of the podcast, we have been taking a look at the 21 Laws and applying them to your...
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Episode 87: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Laws 8-14)

I am doing something that I have never done before on the podcast. I am doing a three episode series on The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. Last week, we took a look at Laws 1-7 and I applied them...
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Episode 86: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Laws 1-7)

In May of 1998, I was struggling. I was wrapping up my seventh year as a Head of School and I was feeling very rundown from all of the demands of the board, the teachers, the parents and the students. My leadership...
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Episode 85: If You Only Read One Book This Summer, Read This One

I have been a private school leader for 32 years. I have read a lot of books about leadership, private school leadership and leadership in the corporate world. Many of them are very valuable for private school leaders...
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Episode 84: The 5 Things That You Should Definitely Do This Summer

We all have so many things that we need to do during the summer. First, we have to wrap up the school year that just ended by meeting with teachers, finishing off report cards and sending out achievement test...
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Episode 83: Make Sure That You Take Time To Celebrate These 6 Accomplishments

When I get home from an event at school, my wife always asks me the same question. “How did it go?” I usually say the same thing. “It went really well!” Then she always says the same thing. “Well, that is worth...
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Episode 82: The 8 Keys To Being A More Resilient Leader

I strongly believe that the most important trait of a successful private school leader is integrity.  I think that resilience is a close second. The word “resilience” has an extremely interesting definition: “the...
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Episode 81: The 9 Steps To Having A Difficult Conversation With One Of Your Teachers

It’s that time of year. You are likely having your year-end conversations with your teachers. Most of them will be positive and upbeat, but a few of them will be difficult. Perhaps you need to speak with one or more...
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Episode 80: This One Productivity Hack Will Save You 1-2 Hours Per Week

Does the number 1,440 mean anything to you? What about the number 86,400? Well, we each get exactly 1,440 minutes a day. We each get exactly 86,400 seconds a day. As private school leaders, we are so busy. We never...
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Use The 7-38-55 Rule To Have Better Conversations With Parents And Teachers

George Bernard Shaw said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” As Private School Leaders, effective communication has never been more important. It has also never been...
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