Episode 6: The Top 10 Things That Servant Leaders Do

In Episode 5, we talked about the five characteristics that every Servant Leader displays:

Demonstrates humility

Displays integrity

Helps others grow

Encourages safe participation by being approachable, visible and having a predictable mood.

Inspires others through influence rather than position.

I strongly believe that adopting the characteristics of a Servant Leader can dramatically change your school culture. In this week’s episode, we are going to get super practical and turn these characteristics into action. Episode 6 is called: “The Top 10 Things That Servant Leaders Do”. If you do even some of the things on this list, you will transform yourself and transform your school.

I know that you are SUPER busy, so when you are driving to school, working out or running errands, pop in those earbuds and listen. I hope that you will be motivated and inspired as you serve your school! Thanks for making a difference!